Hazbin Men Cock Size Chart

Hazbin Men Cock Size Chart

Hazbin Men Cock Size Chart

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25 thoughts on “Hazbin Men Cock Size Chart

  1. Well, if that Pentious is 8 inches in length, and they are believed to both be the exact same size (for simplicity), then there would be about 2.13 inches of girth per cock at the widest section. This means that I could realistically manage to dp myself on both of his cocks at once without injury, as they are just 4.27 inches wide together and that’s only barely above half of the distance the human anus can stretch without permanent damage. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

  2. I would like to point out that there’s no shot angle dust is that long with how things his clothes are I mean ether he’s small af he can invert his dick or he is just constantly so soft that shit went negative

  3. Given that its Hell and their form is supposed to be something they wouldn’t like, I imagine most in Hell are either microdicks or surgically augmented. 

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